Program Analysis of Commodity IoT Applications for Security and Privacy: Challenges and Opportunities

by   Z. Berkay Celik, et al.

Recent advances in Internet of Things (IoT) have enabled myriad domains such as smart homes, personal monitoring devices, and enhanced manufacturing. IoT is now pervasive---new applications are being deployed in every domain imaginable, leading to a rapid and widespread adoption of device-based interaction and automation. There is a growing recognition that identifying IoT vulnerabilities requires program-analysis techniques, yet the technical community's understanding of the nature and extent of IoT program analysis remains limited. In this paper, we study privacy and security issues in IoT that require program-analysis techniques with a focus on attacks identified against these systems and defenses crafted to date. Based on a study of five IoT programming platforms, we identify the key insights resulting from works in both the program analysis and security communities and relate the effectiveness of program-analysis techniques to security and privacy issues. We conclude by studying recent IoT analysis systems and exploring their implementations. Through these studies and explorations, we highlight key challenges and opportunities in calibrating for the environments in which IoT systems will be used.


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