ProLiVis: Protein-Protein Interaction Literature Visualization System

by   Melih Sozdinler, et al.

We provide a visualization model that targets the visualization of Protein-Protein Interactions(PPI) and combines it with a super view based on publications and methods to extract interactions. Although there are several existing tools, our model considers the existing literature and is capable to demonstrate all interactions for the selected organisms. In our model, we propose a three-level visualization concept for the PPI networks with the current state-of-the-art studies based on several organisms. And, we abstract of overall network based on two perspectives; "experimental method types of each interaction" and "ownership with the publication". We claim that it is more efficient to work on our proposed layout rather than parsing text files or databases. For that way, we plan to support the existing visuals with complementary outsourced information from the existing knowledge base.


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