Quantum and Classical Combinatorial Optimizations Applied to Lattice-Based Factorization

by   Willie Aboumrad, et al.

The availability of working quantum computers has led to several proposals and claims of quantum advantage. In 2023, this has included claims that quantum computers can successfully factor large integers, by optimizing the search for nearby integers whose prime factors are all small. This paper demonstrates that the hope of factoring numbers of commercial significance using these methods is unfounded. Mathematically, this is because the density of smooth numbers (numbers all of whose prime factors are small) decays exponentially as n grows. Our experimental reproductions and analysis show that lattice-based factoring does not scale successfully to larger numbers, that the proposed quantum enhancements do not alter this conclusion, and that other simpler classical optimization heuristics perform much better for lattice-based factoring. However, many topics in this area have interesting applications and mathematical challenges, independently of factoring itself. We consider particular cases of the CVP, and opportunities for applying quantum techniques to other parts of the factorization pipeline, including the solution of linear equations modulo 2. Though the goal of factoring 1000-bit numbers is still out-of-reach, the combinatoric landscape is promising, and warrants further research with more circumspect objectives.


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