Quantum state testing beyond the polarizing regime and quantum triangular discrimination
The complexity class Quantum Statistical Zero-Knowledge (𝖰𝖲𝖹𝖪) captures computational difficulties of quantum state testing with respect to the trace distance for efficiently preparable mixed states (Quantum State Distinguishability Problem, QSDP), as introduced by Watrous (FOCS 2002). However, this class faces the same parameter issue as its classical counterpart, because of error reduction for the QSDP (the polarization lemma), as demonstrated by Sahai and Vadhan (JACM, 2003). In this paper, we introduce quantum analogues of triangular discrimination, which is a symmetric version of the χ^2 divergence, and investigate the quantum state testing problems for quantum triangular discrimination and quantum Jensen-Shannon divergence (a symmetric version of the quantum relative entropy). These new 𝖰𝖲𝖹𝖪-complete problems allow us to improve the parameter regime for testing quantum states in trace distance and examine the limitations of existing approaches to polarization. Additionally, we prove that the quantum state testing for trace distance with negligible errors is in 𝖯𝖯 while the same problem without error is in 𝖡𝖰𝖯_1. This result suggests that achieving length-preserving polarization for QSDP seems implausible unless 𝖰𝖲𝖹𝖪 is in 𝖯𝖯.