Recurrent neural network-based user authentication for freely typed keystroke data

by   Junhong Kim, et al.

Keystroke dynamics-based user authentication (KDA) based on long and freely typed text is an enhanced user authentication method that can not only identify the validity of current users during login but also continuously monitors the consistency of typing behavior after the login process. Previous long and freely typed text-based KDA methods had difficulty incorporating the key sequence information and handling variable lengths of keystrokes, which in turn resulted in lower authentication performance compared to KDA methods based on short and fixed-length text. To overcome these limitations, we propose a recurrent neural network (RNN)-based KDA model. As the RNN model can process an arbitrary length of input and target sequences, our proposed model takes two consecutive keys as the input sequence and actual typing time for the corresponding key sequence as the target sequence. Based on experimental results involving 120 participants, our proposed RNN-KDA model yielded the best authentication performance for all training and test length combinations in terms of equal error rate (EER). It achieved a 5 keystrokes while the EERs of other benchmark methods were above 20 addition, its performance steadily and more rapidly improves compared to the benchmark methods when the length of training keystrokes increases.


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