Reinforcement Learning Based Handwritten Digit Recognition with Two-State Q-Learning
We present a simple yet efficient Hybrid Classifier based on Deep Learning and Reinforcement Learning. Q-Learning is used with two Q-states and four actions. Conventional techniques use feature maps extracted from Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) and include them in the Qstates along with past history. This leads to difficulties with these approaches as the number of states is very large number due to high dimensions of the feature maps. Since our method uses only two Q-states it is simple and has much lesser number of parameters to optimize and also thus has a straightforward reward function. Also, the approach uses unexplored actions for image processing vis-a-vis other contemporary techniques. Three datasets have been used for benchmarking of the approach. These are the MNIST Digit Image Dataset, the USPS Digit Image Dataset and the MATLAB Digit Image Dataset. The performance of the proposed hybrid classifier has been compared with other contemporary techniques like a well-established Reinforcement Learning Technique, AlexNet, CNN-Nearest Neighbor Classifier and CNNSupport Vector Machine Classifier. Our approach outperforms these contemporary hybrid classifiers on all the three datasets used.