Restricted Max-Min Allocation: Approximation and Integrality Gap

by   Siu-Wing Cheng, et al.

Asadpour, Feige, and Saberi proved that the integrality gap of the configuration LP for the restricted max-min allocation problem is at most 4. However, their proof does not give a polynomial-time approximation algorithm. A lot of efforts have been devoted to designing an efficient algorithm whose approximation ratio can match this upper bound for the integrality gap. In ICALP 2018, we present a (6 + δ)-approximation algorithm where δ can be any positive constant, and there is still a gap of roughly 2. In this paper, we narrow the gap significantly by proposing a (4+δ)-approximation algorithm where δ can be any positive constant. The approximation ratio is with respect to the optimal value of the configuration LP, and the running time is poly(m,n)· n^poly(1/δ) where n is the number of players and m is the number of resources. We also improve the upper bound for the integrality gap of the configuration LP to 3 + 21/26≈ 3.808.


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