Second-order Control of Complex Systems with Correlated Synthetic Data

by   Juste Raimbault, et al.

Generation of hybrid synthetic data resembling real data to some criteria is an important methodological and thematic issue in most disciplines which study complex systems. Interdependencies between constituting elements, materialized within respective relations, lead to the emergence of macroscopic patterns. Being able to control the dependance structure and level within a synthetic dataset is thus a source of knowledge on system mechanisms. We describe in this paper a methodology consisting in the generation of synthetic datasets on which correlation structure is controlled. The method is applied in a first example on financial time-series and allows to understand the role of interferences between components at different scales on performances of a predictive model. A second application on a geographical system is then proposed, in which the weak coupling between a population density model and a network morphogenesis model allows to simulate territorial configurations. The calibration on morphological objective on European data and intensive model exploration unveils a large spectrum of feasible correlations between morphological and network measures. We demonstrate therein the flexibility of our method and the variety of possible applications.


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