Secure Lightweight Authentication for Multi User IoT Environment

by   Chintan Patel, et al.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is giving a boost to a plethora of new opportunities for the robust and sustainable deployment of cyber physical systems. The cornerstone of any IoT system is the sensing devices. These sensing devices have considerable resource constraints, including insufficient battery capacity, CPU capability, and physical security. Because of such resource constraints, designing lightweight cryptographic protocols is an opportunity. Remote User Authentication ensures that two parties establish a secure and durable session key. This study presents a lightweight and safe authentication strategy for the user-gateway (U GW) IoT network model. The proposed system is designed leveraging Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC). We undertake a formal security analysis with both the Automated Validation of Internet Security Protocols (AVISPA) and Burrows Abadi Needham (BAN) logic tools and an information security assessment with the Delev Yao channel. We use publish subscribe based Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT) protocol for communication. Additionally, the performance analysis and comparison of security features show that the proposed scheme is resilient to well known cryptographic threats.


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