Smart-Corpus: an Organized Repository of Ethereum Smart Contracts Source Code and Metrics

by   Giuseppe Antonio Pierro, et al.

Many empirical software engineering studies show that there is a great need for repositories where source code is acquired, filtered and classified. During the last few years, Ethereum block explorer services have emerged as a popular project to explore and search Ethereum blockchain data such as transactions, addresses, tokens, smart-contracts' source code, prices and other activities taking place on the Ethereum blockchain. Despite the availability of this kind of services, retrieving specific information useful to empirical software engineering studies, such as the study of smart-contracts' software metrics might require many sub-tasks, such as searching specific transactions in a block, parsing files in HTML format and filtering the smart-contracts to remove duplicated code or unused smart-contracts. In this paper we afford this problem creating Smart Corpus', a Corpus of Smart Contracts in an organized reasoned and up to date repository where Solidity source code and other metadata about Ethereum smart contracts can easily and systematically be retrieved. We present the Smart Corpus' design and its initial implementation and we show how the data-set of smart contracts' source code in a variety of programming languages can be queried and processed, get useful information on smart contracts and their software metrics. The Smart Corpus aims to create a smart-contracts' repository where smart contracts data (source code, ABI and byte-code) are freely and immediately available and also classified based on the main software metrics identified in the scientific literature. Smart-contracts source code has been validated by EtherScan and each contract comes with its own associated software metrics as computed by the freely available software PASO. Moreover, Smart Corpus can be easily extended, as the number of new smart-contracts increases day by day.


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