Solving Routing Problems via Important Cuts
We introduce a novel approach of using important cuts which allowed us to design significantly faster fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms for the following routing problems: the Mixed Chinese Postman Problem parameterized by the number of directed edges (Gutin et al., JCSS 2017), the Minimum Shared Edges problem (MSE) parameterized by the number p of paths between two specified vertices (Fluschnik et al., JCSS 2019), and the Weighted Min Cut Prevention problem (Gruttemeier et al., WG 2021). The Minimum Vulnerability problem (MV) is a generalization of MSE (Assadi et al., Algorithmica 2014). The only known FPT algorithm for MV parameterized by p (the same parameter as for MSE) was for chordal graphs (Aoki et al., JCO 2018). We design an FPT algorithm for MV on all undirected graphs.