Spectrum Intelligent Radio: Technology, Development, and Future Trends

by   Peng Cheng, et al.

The advent of Industry 4.0 with massive connectivity places significant strains on the current spectrum resources, and challenges the industry and regulators to respond promptly with new disruptive spectrum management strategies. The current radio development, with certain elements of intelligence, is nowhere near showing an agile response to the complex radio environments. Following the line of intelligence, we propose to classify spectrum intelligent radio into three streams: classical signal processing, machine learning (ML), and contextual adaptation. We focus on the ML approach, and propose a new intelligent radio architecture with three hierarchical forms: perception, understanding, and reasoning. The proposed perception method achieves fully blind multi-level spectrum sensing. The understanding method accurately predicts the primary users' coverage across a large area, and the reasoning method performs a near-optimal idle channel selection. Opportunities, challenges, and future visions are also discussed for the realization of a fully intelligent radio.


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