Spiking Approximations of the MaxPooling Operation in Deep SNNs

by   Ramashish Gaurav, et al.

Spiking Neural Networks (SNNs) are an emerging domain of biologically inspired neural networks that have shown promise for low-power AI. A number of methods exist for building deep SNNs, with Artificial Neural Network (ANN)-to-SNN conversion being highly successful. MaxPooling layers in Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are an integral component to downsample the intermediate feature maps and introduce translational invariance, but the absence of their hardware-friendly spiking equivalents limits such CNNs' conversion to deep SNNs. In this paper, we present two hardware-friendly methods to implement Max-Pooling in deep SNNs, thus facilitating easy conversion of CNNs with MaxPooling layers to SNNs. In a first, we also execute SNNs with spiking-MaxPooling layers on Intel's Loihi neuromorphic hardware (with MNIST, FMNIST, CIFAR10 dataset); thus, showing the feasibility of our approach.


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