Stochastic Modified Equations for Continuous Limit of Stochastic ADMM
Stochastic version of alternating direction method of multiplier (ADMM) and its variants (linearized ADMM, gradient-based ADMM) plays a key role for modern large scale machine learning problems. One example is the regularized empirical risk minimization problem. In this work, we put different variants of stochastic ADMM into a unified form, which includes standard, linearized and gradient-based ADMM with relaxation, and study their dynamics via a continuous-time model approach. We adapt the mathematical framework of stochastic modified equation (SME), and show that the dynamics of stochastic ADMM is approximated by a class of stochastic differential equations with small noise parameters in the sense of weak approximation. The continuous-time analysis would uncover important analytical insights into the behaviors of the discrete-time algorithm, which are non-trivial to gain otherwise. For example, we could characterize the fluctuation of the solution paths precisely, and decide optimal stopping time to minimize the variance of solution paths.