Synthesis of Logical Clifford Operators via Symplectic Geometry

by   Narayanan Rengaswamy, et al.

Quantum error-correcting codes can be used to protect qubits involved in quantum computation. This requires that logical operators acting on protected qubits be translated to physical operators (circuits) acting on physical quantum states. We propose a mathematical framework for synthesizing physical circuits that implement logical Clifford operators for stabilizer codes. Circuit synthesis is enabled by representing the desired physical Clifford operator in C^N × N as a partial 2m × 2m binary symplectic matrix, where N = 2^m. We state and prove two theorems that use symplectic transvections to efficiently enumerate all symplectic matrices that satisfy a system of linear equations. As an important corollary of these results, we prove that for an [[ m,m-k ]] stabilizer code every logical Clifford operator has 2^k(k+1)/2 symplectic solutions. The desired physical circuits are then obtained by decomposing each solution as a product of elementary symplectic matrices. Our assembly of the possible physical realizations enables optimization over them with respect to a suitable metric. Furthermore, we show that any circuit that normalizes the stabilizer of the code can be transformed into a circuit that centralizes the stabilizer, while realizing the same logical operation. Our method of circuit synthesis can be applied to any stabilizer code, and this paper provides a proof of concept synthesis of universal Clifford gates for the [[ 6,4,2 ]] CSS code. We conclude with a classical coding-theoretic perspective for constructing logical Pauli operators for CSS codes. Since our circuit synthesis algorithm builds on the logical Pauli operators for the code, this paper provides a complete framework for constructing all logical Clifford operators for CSS codes. Programs implementing our algorithms can be found at


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