The encoding of proprioceptive inputs in the brain: knowns and unknowns from a robotic perspective

by   Matej Hoffmann, et al.

Somatosensory inputs can be grossly divided into tactile (or cutaneous) and proprioceptive -- the former conveying information about skin stimulation, the latter about limb position and movement. The principal proprioceptors are constituted by muscle spindles, which deliver information about muscle length and speed. In primates, this information is relayed to the primary somatosensory cortex and eventually the posterior parietal cortex, where integrated information about body posture (postural schema) is presumably available. However, coming from robotics and seeking a biologically motivated model that could be used in a humanoid robot, we faced a number of difficulties. First, it is not clear what neurons in the ascending pathway and primary somatosensory cortex code. To an engineer, joint angles would seem the most useful variables. However, the lengths of individual muscles have nonlinear relationships with the angles at joints. Kim et al. (Neuron, 2015) found different types of proprioceptive neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex -- sensitive to movement of single or multiple joints or to static postures. Second, there are indications that the somatotopic arrangement ("the homunculus") of these brain areas is to a significant extent learned. However, the mechanisms behind this developmental process are unclear. We will report first results from modeling of this process using data obtained from body babbling in the iCub humanoid robot and feeding them into a Self-Organizing Map (SOM). Our results reveal that the SOM algorithm is only suited to develop receptive fields of the posture-selective type. Furthermore, the SOM algorithm has intrinsic difficulties when combined with population code on its input and in particular with nonlinear tuning curves (sigmoids or Gaussians).


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