The Peril of Artificial Intelligence

by   Alex Mathew, et al.

— The integration of AI technology is with the hope of reducing human errors, improving efficiency, and providing the faster result. Nonetheless, research indicates that AI may become hazardous over time and would not perform the intended roles. To recognize the perilous effects of AI, the study draws from the dynamic programming theory developed by Richard Bellman. The study proves that while AI is programmed to do a useful task, a malfunction may lead to negative consequences of the entire system. It may also attract indirect consequences such as traffic jams. The best way to explain this correlation is via the dynamic programming theory, which asserts that as systems become complex, they may sway from their targeted objective. Computerrelated dangers may emanate from the cognitive complexity of the system as opposed to the specific properties of which the system was meant to perform. The immediate risks of AI are autonomous weapons, although other long-term effects such as gradual replacement of humans by robots and AI drug addition will also result.


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