The role of online attention in the supply of disinformation in Wikipedia

by   Anis Elebiary, et al.

Wikipedia and many User-Generated Content (UGC) communities are known for producing reliable, quality content, but also for being vulnerable to false or misleading information. Previous work has shown that many hoaxes on Wikipedia go undetected for extended periods of time. But little is known about the creation of intentionally false or misleading information online. Does collective attention toward a topic increase the likelihood it will spawn disinformation? Here, we measure the relationship between allocation of attention and the production of hoax articles on the English Wikipedia. Analysis of traffic logs reveals that, compared to legitimate articles created on the same day, hoaxes tend to be more associated with traffic spikes preceding their creation. This is consistent with the idea that the supply of false or misleading information on a topic is driven by the attention it receives. These findings improve our comprehension of the determinants of disinformation in UGC communities and could help promote the integrity of knowledge on Wikipedia.


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