To Reduce Gross NPA and Classify Defaulters Using Shannon Entropy

by   Ambarish Moharil, et al.

Non Performing Asset(NPA) has been in a serious attention by banks over the past few years. NPA cause a huge loss to the banks hence it becomes an extremely critical step in deciding which loans have the capabilities to become an NPA and thereby deciding which loans to grant and which ones to reject. In this paper which focuses on the exact crux of the matter we have proposed an algorithm which is designed to handle the financial data very meticulously to predict with a very high accuracy whether a particular loan would be classified as a NPA in future or not. Instead of the conventional less accurate classifiers used to decide which loans can turn to be NPA we build our own classifier model using Entropy as the base. We have created an entropy based classifier using Shannon Entropy. The classifier model categorizes our data points in two categories accepted or rejected. We make use of local entropy and global entropy to help us determine the output. The entropy classifier model is then compared with existing classifiers used to predict NPAs thereby giving us an idea about the performance.


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