Towards a General Many-Sorted Framework for Describing Certain Kinds of Legal Statutes with a Potential Computational Realization

Examining a 20th-century Scandinavian legal theoretical tradition, we can extract an ontological naturalistic, a logical empiristic, and a modern idealistic rationale. We introduce the mathematical syntactic figure present in the `logical empiricism' in a contemporary mathematical logic. A new formal framework for describing explicit purchase statutes (Sweden) is gradually developed and subsequently proposed. This new framework is based on a many-sorted first-order logic (MFOL) approach, where the semantics are grounded in concrete `physical' objects and situations with a legal relevance. Specifically, we present a concrete formal syntactic translation of one of the central statutes of Swedish legislation for the purchase of immovable property. Additionally, we discuss the potential implications that a subsequent development of such formalisations would have for constructing artificial agents (e.g., software) that can be used as `co-creative' legal assistance for solving highly complex legal issues concerning the transfer of property, among others.


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