Trading off Complexity for Expressiveness in Programming Languages: Visions and Preliminary Experiences

by   Vincenzo De Florio, et al.

When programming resource-scarce embedded smart devices, the designer often requires both the low-level system programming features of a language such as C and higher level capability typical of a language like Java. The choice of a particular language typically implies trade offs between conflicting design goals such as performance, costs, and overheads. The large variety of languages, virtual machines, and translators provides the designer with a dense trade off space, ranging from minimalistic to rich full-fledged approaches, but once a choice is made it is often difficult for the designer to revise it. In this work we propose a system of light-weighted and modular extensions as a method to flexibly reshape the target programming language as needed, adding only those application layer features that match the current design goals. In so doing complexity is made transparent, but not hidden: While the programmer can benefit of higher level constructs, the designer can deal with modular building blocks each characterized by a certain algorithmic complexity and therefore each accountable for a given share of the overhead. As a result the designer is given a finer control on the amount of resources that are consumed by the run-time executive of the chosen programming language.


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