Transpiling RTL Pseudo-code of the POWER Instruction Set Architecture to C for Real-time Performance Analysis on Cavatools Simulator

by   Kinar S, et al.

This paper presents a transpiler framework for converting RTL pseudo code of the POWER Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) to C code, enabling its execution on the Cavatools simulator. The transpiler consists of a lexer and parser, which parse the RTL pseudo code and generate corresponding C code representations. The lexer tokenizes the input code, while the parser applies grammar rules to build an abstract syntax tree (AST). The transpiler ensures compatibility with the Cavatools simulator by generating C code that adheres to its requirements. The resulting C code can be executed on the Cavatools simulator, allowing developers to analyze the instruction-level performance of the Power ISA in real time. The proposed framework facilitates the seamless integration of RTL pseudo code into the Cavatools ecosystem, enabling comprehensive performance analysis and optimization of Power ISA-based code.


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