Unified SVM algorithm based LS-DC Loss

by   Zhou Shuisheng, et al.

Over the past two decades, Support Vector Machine (SVM) has been a popular supervised machine learning model, and plenty of distinct algorithms are designed separately based on different KKT conditions of SVM model for classification/regression with the different losses, including the convex loss or non-convex loss. In this paper, we propose an algorithm that can train different SVM models in a unified scheme. Firstly, we introduce a definition of the LS-DC loss and show that the most commonly used losses in the SVM community are LS-DC loss or can be approximated by LS-DC loss. Then based on DCA (difference of convex algorithm), we propose a unified algorithm, called UniSVM that can solve the SVM model with any convex or non-convex LS-DC loss, in which only a vector is computed especially by the specifically chosen loss. Particularly, for training robust SVM models with non-convex losses, UniSVM has a dominant advantage over all the existing algorithms, because it has a closed-form solution per iteration while the existing ones always need to solve an L1/L2-SVM per iteration. Furthermore, by the low-rank approximation of the kernel matrix, UniSVM can solve the large-scale nonlinear problems with efficiency. Finally, to verify the efficacy and feasibility of the proposed algorithm, experiments on large benchmark data sets with/without outliers for classification and regression are investigated. UniSVM can be easily grasped by users or researchers since its core code in Matlab is less than 10 lines.


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