Using offline metrics and user behavior analysis to combine multiple systems for music recommendation

by   Andres Ferraro, et al.

There are many offline metrics that can be used as a reference for evaluation and optimization of the performance of recommender systems. Hybrid recommendation approaches are commonly used to improve some of those metrics by combining different systems. In this work we focus on music recommendation and propose a new way to improve recommendations, with respect to a desired metric of choice, by combining multiple systems for each user individually based on their expected performance. Essentially, our approach consists in predicting an expected error that each system will produce for each user based on their previous activity. To this end, we propose to train regression models for different metrics predicting the performance of each system based on a number of features characterizing previous user behavior in the system. We then use different fusion strategies to combine recommendations generated by each system. Following this approach one can optimize the final hybrid system with respect to the desired metric of choice. As a proof of concept, we conduct experiments combining two recommendation systems, a Matrix Factorization model and a popularity-based recommender. We use the data provided by Melon, a Korean music streaming service, to train and evaluate the performance of the systems.


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