VGQ-CNN: Moving Beyond Fixed Cameras and Top-Grasps for Grasp Quality Prediction

by   A. Konrad, et al.

We present the Versatile Grasp Quality Convolutional Neural Network (VGQ-CNN), a grasp quality prediction network for 6-DOF grasps. VGQ-CNN can be used when evaluating grasps for objects seen from a wide range of camera poses or mobile robots without the need to retrain the network. By defining the grasp orientation explicitly as an input to the network, VGQ-CNN can evaluate 6-DOF grasp poses, moving beyond the 4-DOF grasps used in most image-based grasp evaluation methods like GQ-CNN. We train VGQ-CNN on our new Versatile Grasp dataset (VG-dset), containing 6-DOF grasps observed from a wide range of camera poses. VGQ-CNN achieves a balanced accuracy of 82.1 generalising to a variety of camera poses. Meanwhile, it achieves competitive performance for overhead cameras and top-grasps with a balanced accuracy of 74.2 architecture, FAST-VGQ-CNN, that speeds up inference using a shared encoder architecture and can make 128 grasp quality predictions in 12ms on a CPU. Code and data are available at


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