Weakly-supervised DCNN for RGB-D Object Recognition in Real-World Applications Which Lack Large-scale Annotated Training Data

by   Li Sun, et al.

This paper addresses the problem of RGBD object recognition in real-world applications, where large amounts of annotated training data are typically unavailable. To overcome this problem, we propose a novel, weakly-supervised learning architecture (DCNN-GPC) which combines parametric models (a pair of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (DCNN) for RGB and D modalities) with non-parametric models (Gaussian Process Classification). Our system is initially trained using a small amount of labeled data, and then automatically prop- agates labels to large-scale unlabeled data. We first run 3D- based objectness detection on RGBD videos to acquire many unlabeled object proposals, and then employ DCNN-GPC to label them. As a result, our multi-modal DCNN can be trained end-to-end using only a small amount of human annotation. Finally, our 3D-based objectness detection and multi-modal DCNN are integrated into a real-time detection and recognition pipeline. In our approach, bounding-box annotations are not required and boundary-aware detection is achieved. We also propose a novel way to pretrain a DCNN for the depth modality, by training on virtual depth images projected from CAD models. We pretrain our multi-modal DCNN on public 3D datasets, achieving performance comparable to state-of-the-art methods on Washington RGBS Dataset. We then finetune the network by further training on a small amount of annotated data from our novel dataset of industrial objects (nuclear waste simulants). Our weakly supervised approach has demonstrated to be highly effective in solving a novel RGBD object recognition application which lacks of human annotations.


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