With the emergence of energy communities, where a number of prosumers in...
Robotic platforms are highly programmable, scalable and versatile to com...
A global trend in increasing wind turbine size and distances from shore ...
Lithium-ion batteries are ubiquitous in modern day applications ranging ...
To reduce Operation and Maintenance (O M) costs on offshore wind farms...
A key impediment to the use of AI is the lacking of transparency, especi...
Context: Demonstrating high reliability and safety for safety-critical
Increasingly sophisticated mathematical modelling processes from Machine...
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning are increasingly seen as ke...
Renewable energy is increasingly being curtailed, due to oversupply or
Renewable energy has achieved high penetration rates in many areas, lead...
The battery is a key component of autonomous robots. Its performance lim...
There is an urgent societal need to assess whether autonomous vehicles (...
The energy landscape for the Low-Voltage (LV) networks are beginning to
Robots are increasingly used to carry out critical missions in extreme