A Mutually Reinforced Framework for Pretrained Sentence Embeddings

by   Junhan Yang, et al.

The lack of labeled data is a major obstacle to learning high-quality sentence embeddings. Recently, self-supervised contrastive learning (SCL) is regarded as a promising way to address this problem. However, the existing works mainly rely on hand-crafted data annotation heuristics to generate positive training samples, which not only call for domain expertise and laborious tuning, but are also prone to the following unfavorable cases: 1) trivial positives, 2) coarse-grained positives, and 3) false positives. As a result, the self-supervision's quality can be severely limited in reality. In this work, we propose a novel framework InfoCSE to address the above problems. Instead of relying on annotation heuristics defined by humans, it leverages the sentence representation model itself and realizes the following iterative self-supervision process: on one hand, the improvement of sentence representation may contribute to the quality of data annotation; on the other hand, more effective data annotation helps to generate high-quality positive samples, which will further improve the current sentence representation model. In other words, the representation learning and data annotation become mutually reinforced, where a strong self-supervision effect can be derived. Extensive experiments are performed based on three benchmark datasets, where notable improvements can be achieved against the existing SCL-based methods.


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