A Survey of Graph Neural Networks for Social Recommender Systems

by   Kartik Sharma, et al.

Social recommender systems (SocialRS) simultaneously leverage user-to-item interactions as well as user-to-user social relations for the task of generating item recommendations to users. Additionally exploiting social relations is clearly effective in understanding users' tastes due to the effects of homophily and social influence. For this reason, SocialRS has increasingly attracted attention. In particular, with the advance of Graph Neural Networks (GNN), many GNN-based SocialRS methods have been developed recently. Therefore, we conduct a comprehensive and systematic review of the literature on GNN-based SocialRS. In this survey, we first identify 80 papers on GNN-based SocialRS after annotating 2151 papers by following the PRISMA framework (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analysis). Then, we comprehensively review them in terms of their inputs and architectures to propose a novel taxonomy: (1) input taxonomy includes 5 groups of input type notations and 7 groups of input representation notations; (2) architecture taxonomy includes 8 groups of GNN encoder, 2 groups of decoder, and 12 groups of loss function notations. We classify the GNN-based SocialRS methods into several categories as per the taxonomy and describe their details. Furthermore, we summarize the benchmark datasets and metrics widely used to evaluate the GNN-based SocialRS methods. Finally, we conclude this survey by presenting some future research directions.


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