Blind Robust 3-D Mesh Watermarking based on Mesh Saliency and QIM quantization for Copyright Protection

by   Mohamed Hamidi, et al.

Due to the recent demand of 3-D models in several applications like medical imaging, video games, among others, the necessity of implementing 3-D mesh watermarking schemes aiming to protect copyright has increased considerably. The majority of robust 3-D watermarking techniques have essentially focused on the robustness against attacks while the imperceptibility of these techniques is still a real issue. In this context, a blind robust 3-D mesh watermarking method based on mesh saliency and Quantization Index Modulation (QIM) for Copyright protection is proposed. The watermark is embedded by quantifying the vertex norms of the 3-D mesh using QIM scheme since it offers a good robustness-capacity tradeoff. The choice of the vertices is adjusted by the mesh saliency to achieve watermark robustness and to avoid visual distortions. The experimental results show the high imperceptibility of the proposed scheme while ensuring a good robustness against a wide range of attacks including additive noise, similarity transformations, smoothing, quantization, etc.


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