Certifiably Optimal Rotation and Pose Estimation Based on the Cayley Map

by   Timothy D. Barfoot, et al.

We present novel, tight, convex relaxations for rotation and pose estimation problems that can guarantee global optimality via strong Lagrangian duality. Some such relaxations exist in the literature for specific problem setups that assume the matrix von Mises-Fisher distribution (a.k.a., matrix Langevin distribution or chordal distance) for isotropic rotational uncertainty. However, another common way to represent uncertainty for rotations and poses is to define anisotropic noise in the associated Lie algebra. Starting from a noise model based on the Cayley map, we define our estimation problems, convert them to Quadratically Constrained Quadratic Programs (QCQPs), then relax them to Semidefinite Programs (SDPs), which can be solved using standard interior-point optimization methods. We first show how to carry out basic rotation and pose averaging. We then turn to the more complex problem of trajectory estimation, which involves many pose variables with both individual and inter-pose measurements (or motion priors). Our contribution is to formulate SDP relaxations for all these problems, including the identification of sufficient redundant constraints to make them tight. We hope our results can add to the catalogue of useful estimation problems whose global optimality can be guaranteed.


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