Distributed Deep Learning at the Edge: A Novel Proactive and Cooperative Caching Framework for Mobile Edge Networks

by   Yuris Mulya Saputra, et al.

This letter proposes two novel proactive cooperative caching approaches using deep learning (DL) to predict users' content demand in a mobile edge caching network. In the first approach, a (central) content server takes responsibilities to collect information from all mobile edge nodes (MENs) in the network and then performs our proposed deep learning (DL) algorithm to predict the content demand for the whole network. However, such a centralized approach may disclose the private information because MENs have to share their local users' data with the content server. Thus, in the second approach, we propose a novel distributed deep learning (DDL) based framework. The DDL allows MENs in the network to collaborate and exchange information to reduce the error of content demand prediction without revealing the private information of mobile users. Through simulation results, we show that our proposed approaches can enhance the accuracy by reducing the root mean squared error (RMSE) up to 33.7 learning algorithms.


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