SPOC: Secure Payments for Outsourced Computations

by   Michał Król, et al.

Constrained devices in IoT networks often require to outsource resource-heavy computations or data processing tasks. Currently, most of those jobs are done in the centralised cloud. However, with rapidly increasing number of devices and amount of produced data, edge computing represents a much more efficient solution decreasing the cost, the delay and improves users' privacy. To enable wide deployment of execution nodes at the edge, the requesting devices require a way to pay for submitted tasks. We present SPOC - a secure payment system for networks where nodes distrust each other. SPOC allows any node to execute tasks, includes result verification and enforce users' proper behaviour without 3rd parties, replication or costly proof of computations. We implement our system using Ethereum Smart Contracts and Intel SGX and present first evaluation proving its security and low usage cost.


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