StyleGAN family is one of the most popular Generative Adversarial Networ...
Recent works have shown that interval bound propagation (IBP) can be use...
3D object detection algorithms for autonomous driving reason about 3D
Object detectors based on sparse object proposals have recently been pro...
Knowledge distillation, which involves extracting the "dark knowledge" f...
Knowledge distillation, which involves extracting the "dark knowledge" f...
Scene, as the crucial unit of storytelling in movies, contains complex
3D object detection based on point clouds has become more and more popul...
LIDAR point clouds and RGB-images are both extremely essential for 3D ob...
Modern object detectors can rarely achieve short training time, fast
Reproducing an all-in-focus image from an image with defocus regions is ...
Data clustering is a fundamental problem with a wide range of applicatio...