Quantum machine learning is arguably one of the most explored applicatio...
Quantum computers are now on the brink of outperforming their classical
Quantum machine learning models have shown successful generalization
In this work, we show that learning the output distributions of brickwor...
Large machine learning models are revolutionary technologies of artifici...
We introduce a new class of random Gottesman-Kitaev-Preskill (GKP) codes...
Combinatorial optimization - a field of research addressing problems tha...
Density modelling is the task of learning an unknown probability density...
Saddle points constitute a crucial challenge for first-order gradient de...
The physics of a closed quantum mechanical system is governed by its
The task of learning a probability distribution from samples is ubiquito...
The advent of noisy intermediate-scale quantum computers has put the sea...
Quantum random sampling is the leading proposal for demonstrating a
Sharing multi-partite quantum entanglement between parties allows for di...
Variational quantum machine learning is an extensively studied applicati...
The blind deconvolution problem amounts to reconstructing both a signal ...
There is currently a large interest in understanding the potential advan...
A large body of recent work has begun to explore the potential of
Many near-term quantum computing algorithms are conceived as variational...
A new family of operators, coined hierarchical measurement operators, is...
Compressed sensing is a paradigm within signal processing that provides ...
Here we study the comparative power of classical and quantum learners fo...
Extracting tomographic information about quantum states is a crucial tas...
A new class of measurement operators for structured compressed sensing
Within the context of hybrid quantum-classical optimization, gradient de...
Tensor-network techniques have enjoyed outstanding success in physics, a...
Topological error correcting codes, and particularly the surface code,
Recently, the Hierarchical Hard Thresholding Pursuit (HiHTP) algorithm w...
Characterising quantum processes is a key task in and constitutes a chal...
The Internet of Things and specifically the Tactile Internet give rise t...