We give a candidate construction of public key quantum money, and even a...
Two of the fundamental no-go theorems of quantum information are the
Public verification of quantum money has been one of the central objects...
What does it mean to commit to a quantum state? In this work, we propose...
Unclonable encryption, first introduced by Broadbent and Lord (TQC'20), ...
We show the following hold, unconditionally unless otherwise stated, rel...
The construction of public key quantum money based on standard cryptogra...
We show polynomial-time quantum algorithms for the following problems:
In this work, we study a generalization of hidden subspace states to hid...
We prove that Kilian's four-message succinct argument system is post-qua...
A k-collision for a compressing hash function H is a set of k distinct
We describe a framework for constructing an efficient non-interactive ke...
Public key quantum money can be seen as a version of the quantum no-clon...