Large-scale well-annotated datasets are of great importance for training...
Semi-supervised semantic segmentation aims to learn from a small amount ...
In medical image analysis, it is typical to merge multiple independent
When capturing and storing images, devices inevitably introduce noise.
Few-shot semantic segmentation is the task of learning to locate each pi...
In subcellular biological research, fluorescence staining is a key techn...
Successive relaying can improve the transmission rate by allowing the so...
Cross-modal retrieval has drawn much attention in both computer vision a...
Weakly supervised semantic segmentation with only image-level labels aim...
Due to the difficulty of collecting exhaustive multi-label annotations,
Purpose: Segmentation of liver vessels from CT images is indispensable p...
The backpropagation networks are notably susceptible to catastrophic
One-shot semantic image segmentation aims to segment the object regions ...
Instance shadow detection is a brand new problem, aiming to find shadow
Shadow detection in general photos is a nontrivial problem, due to the
Inspired by group-based sparse coding, recently proposed group sparsity
Nonlocal image representation or group sparsity has attracted considerab...
Group-based sparse representation has shown great potential in image
Nonlocal image representation has been successfully used in many
Sparse coding has achieved a great success in various image processing
Group sparsity has shown great potential in various low-level vision tas...
Nuclear norm minimization (NNM) tends to over-shrink the rank components...