As decentralized money market protocols continue to grow in value locked...
Akbarpour and Li (2020) formalized credibility as an auction desideratum...
Public blockchains implement a fee mechanism to allocate scarce computat...
Maximal Extractable Value (MEV) represents excess value captured by mine...
The multi-chain future is upon us. Modular architectures are coming to
Constant function market makers (CFMMs) such as Uniswap, Balancer, Curve...
As smart contract platforms autonomously manage billions of dollars of
Proof of Stake (PoS) is a burgeoning Sybil resistance mechanism that aim...
Uniswap—and other constant product markets—appear to work well in
While many distributed consensus protocols provide robust liveness and
Increased interest in scalable and high-throughput blockchains has led t...