In 2022, Olivier Longuet, a French mathematics teacher, created a game c...
A (multi)set of segments in the plane may form a TSP tour, a matching, a...
CG:SHOP is an annual geometric optimization challenge and the 2022 editi...
We consider a class of problems of Discrete Tomography which has been de...
A set of segments in the plane may form a Euclidean TSP tour or a matchi...
Given a matching between n red points and n blue points by line segments...
In this paper, we present our heuristic solutions to the problems of fin...
This paper describes the heuristics used by the Shadoks team for the CG:...
We consider an algorithmic problem inspired by the Battleship game. In t...
A set S ⊂Z^d is digital convex if conv(S) ∩Z^d = S, where conv(S) denote...
The potato-peeling problem (also known as convex skull) is a fundamental...