Taming Weak Memory Models
Speculative techniques in microarchitectures relax various dependencies in programs, which contributes to the complexity of (weak) memory models. We show using WMM, a new weak memory model, that the model becomes simpler if it includes load-value speculation and thus, does not enforce any dependency! However, in the absence of good value-prediction techniques, a programmer may end up paying a price for the extra fences. Thus, we also present WMM-D, which enforces the dependencies captured by the current microarchitectures. WMM-D is still much simpler than other existing models. We also show that non-atomic multi-copy stores arise as a result of sharing write-through caches. We think restricting microarchitectures to write-back caches (and thus simpler weak memory models) will not incur any performance penalty. Nevertheless, we present WMM-S, another extension to WMM, which could model the effects of non-atomic multi-copy stores. WMM, WMM-D, and WMM-S are all defined using Instantaneous Instruction Execution (I^2E), a new way of describing memory models without explicit reordering or speculative execution.