Decision Transformer (DT), which employs expressive sequence modeling
We consider the problem of learning the best possible policy from a fixe...
Many multi-agent scenarios require message sharing among agents to promo...
Imitation learning aims to mimic the behavior of experts without explici...
Utilizing messages from teammates can improve coordination in cooperativ...
Retrosynthesis, which aims to find a route to synthesize a target molecu...
Automated algorithm configuration relieves users from tedious,
Semi-supervised Anomaly Detection (AD) is a kind of data mining task whi...
Model-based offline optimization with dynamics-aware policy provides a n...
Generative adversarial imitation learning (GAIL) has shown promising res...
Transfer Learning (TL) has shown great potential to accelerate Reinforce...
Gradient-based methods are often used for policy optimization in deep
Despite deep reinforcement learning has recently achieved great successe...
Despite single agent deep reinforcement learning has achieved significan...