To make effective decisions in novel environments with long-horizon goal...
Causal disentanglement aims to uncover a representation of data using la...
Generative models have demonstrated impressive results in vision, langua...
Modular approaches, which use a different composition of modules for eac...
DDIM inversion has revealed the remarkable potential of real image editi...
Generative models have had a profound impact on vision and language, pav...
Existing private synthetic data generation algorithms are agnostic to
Functions of the ratio of the densities p/q are widely used in machine
Transformations based on domain expertise (expert transformations), such...
Deep ensembles (DE) have been successful in improving model performance ...
Deep generative models, such as Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Generat...
Light goods vehicles (LGV) used extensively in the last mile of delivery...
State-of-the-art (SOTA) semi-supervised learning (SSL) methods have been...
In this paper, we introduce LINKS, a dataset of 100 million one degree o...
Threats targeting cyberspace are becoming more prominent and intelligent...
Current autoencoder-based disentangled representation learning methods
BigGAN is the state-of-the-art in high-resolution image generation,
In networks of independent entities that face similar predictive tasks,
This paper presents a simulator-assisted training method (SimVAE) for
The family of f-divergences is ubiquitously applied to generative modeli...
Extracellular recordings using modern, dense probes provide detailed
Uncertainty computation in deep learning is essential to design robust a...
Deep generative models can learn to generate realistic-looking images on...
The Pachinko Allocation Machine (PAM) is a deep topic model that allows
We present a neurosymbolic approach to the lifelong learning of algorith...
Deep generative models provide powerful tools for distributions over
Topic models are one of the most popular methods for learning representa...
A good clustering can help a data analyst to explore and understand a da...