There are undeniable benefits of binding Python and C++ to take advantag...
Uproot reads ROOT TTrees using pure Python. For numerical and (singly) j...
Awkward Arrays and RDataFrame provide two very different ways of perform...
Analysis on HEP data is an iterative process in which the results of one...
File formats for generic data structures, such as ROOT, Avro, and Parque...
The coffea framework provides a new approach to High-Energy Physics anal...
The Awkward Array library has been an important tool for physics analysi...
The HEP community is approaching an era were the excellent performances ...
Machine learning is an important research area in particle physics, begi...
The ROOT I/O (RIO) subsystem is foundational to most HEP experiments - i...
Exploratory data analysis tools must respond quickly to a user's questio...
Experimental Particle Physics has been at the forefront of analyzing the...
Big Data query systems represent data in a columnar format for fast,