To understand and improve DRAM performance, reliability, security and en...
Resistive Random-Access Memory (RRAM) is well-suited to accelerate neura...
RowHammer is a DRAM vulnerability that can cause bit errors in a victim ...
DRAM is the building block of modern main memory systems. DRAM cells mus...
RowHammer is a circuit-level DRAM vulnerability, where repeatedly activa...
Improvements in main memory storage density are primarily driven by proc...
Today's systems have diverse needs that are difficult to address using
RowHammer is a circuit-level DRAM vulnerability where repeatedly accessi...
State-of-the-art techniques for addressing scaling-related main memory e...
DRAM is the dominant main memory technology used in modern computing sys...
Processing-using-DRAM has been proposed for a limited set of basic opera...
True random number generators (TRNG) sample random physical processes to...
Aggressive memory density scaling causes modern DRAM devices to suffer f...
Processing-using-DRAM has been proposed for a limited set of basic opera...
DRAM Main memory is a performance bottleneck for many applications due t...
Increasing single-cell DRAM error rates have pushed DRAM manufacturers t...
In order to shed more light on how RowHammer affects modern and future
DRAM is the prevalent main memory technology, but its long access latenc...
Computers continue to diversify with respect to system designs, emerging...
Cloud providers are concerned that Rowhammer poses a potentially critica...
Low-cost devices are now commonplace and can be found in diverse environ...
We propose a new DRAM-based true random number generator (TRNG) that
DRAM provides a promising substrate for generating random numbers due to...
Processing-in-memory (PIM) architectures have seen an increase in popula...